Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Shakespeare Unit Final Project

50 marks
Complete ONE of the following:

1) Othello Movie Poster (Here is the Rubric)
                  Create a movie poster that represents ONE OR MORE of the MAIN THEMES in Othello. Your poster must include the following:
·       A title
·       An artistic representation of a symbol or motif that represents one of the main themes
·       Director, Producer, 3 major Actors
·       A release date for movie
                  Posters must be done on poster paper. Along with the poster, you MUST include a paragraph that outlines a description of your movie poster and an explanation of how your movie poster represents the main theme. Please use reference from the play for description and explanation. Your paragraph must be at least 10 sentences long.

2)Scene Re-write (Here is the Rubric)
                  Choose one or more scenes in the play that you feel represents one or more of the main themes in Othello. Re-write or translate the scene into modern day English using resources we discussed in class (shakespeareswords.com, glossaries, etc.) Along with the scene re-write you MUST include a paragraph explaining how and why this particular scene is important to the main theme. Scene re-write must include the Act number, Scene number, and the Line range in which the Scene takes place (Example - Act 1, Scene 1, Lines 1-50).  Your paragraphs must be at least 10 sentences long.

3)Character Web (Here is the Rubric)
                  As we have discussed in class, each of the characters is connected to one or more characters through the web of lies Iago creates. Create a character web that includes a physical representation of how each character is connected. Under each character, put a description of the role they play. For each connection, write a description of how this connection was important to one or more of the main themes, as well as the importance to Othello's demise. Each description must be at least 5 sentences long.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Possible Test Questions for LOTF

Questions for the novel study Lord of the Flies

1.    Explain the significance and the evolution of the conch as a symbol.

2.    What does the novel say about human nature?

3.    How does the symbolism of the fire change throughout the story?

4.    Explain the theme of the story.

5.    Explain the competing motivations of Ralph and Jack.

6.    Explain the importance of the setting.

7.    Explain the meaning and importance of the title of the novel.

8.    Who do you think changed the most? Discuss.

9.    Explain how Ralph sees the appeal of the hunt. How do you identify with his view?

10.                       Explain the Biblical allusions in the novel.

11.                       Who or what is the main antagonist in the story? Discuss.

12.                       Why does Jack create a mask? What is the symbolic importance of the mask he creates?

13.                       Explain the different examples of leadership displayed throughout the story.

Friday, 25 September 2015

Writing a Paragraph

 Here is the rubric that will be used to grade your paragraph assignments.

Above Level
At Level
4                                 3
Below Level
2                            1
Topic Sentence

Outcome 1
The topic sentence is exceptionally clear, is sophisticated or insightful, and is well supported throughout the essay.

The topic sentence is clear and is well-supported throughout the essay.

The topic sentence is either unclear or it is not supported throughout the essay.
Supporting  Ideas

(Outcome 2)
Supporting ideas and textual references are very effective at supporting the topic sentence.
Supporting ideas and textual references aim at supporting the topic sentence and, for the most part, are successful.
Supporting ideas and textual references require development. Examples do not support the topic sentences.
Topic and Concluding Sentences, and Discussion of Literary Devices

(Outcome 3)
Topic sentences are focused. They support and discuss aspects of the thesis statement. Several literary devices are discussed.

Topic sentences are somewhat focused. For the most part, they support and discuss aspects of the thesis. Discussion of literary devices is adequate. 

Topic sentences are unfocused. For the most part, they do not support and discuss aspects of the thesis.  Discussion of literary devices is limited or non-existent.


(Outcome 4)
Spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and paragraph structure are very accurate.
Spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and paragraph structure are fairly accurate.
Inaccuracies in spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and paragraph structure hinder communication.
Citing and “Works Cited”

Outcome 5
Resources have been cited correctly using MLA format. The “Works Cited” page has been created following proper formatting conventions.
Resources have been cited correctly, for the most part, using MLA format. The “Works Cited” page has been created following most formatting conventions.
Citations are heavily flawed or missing. Formatting problems exist in the “Works Cited” page.
Paragraph Rubric

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Novel Study

Novel Study - Lord of the Flies

Keeping a Notebook (GLO3)  50 marks

Directions:             Students will create and maintain a well-ordered notebook. Students will have a     page for each of the following:

Characters -             Keep an ongoing list of important characters. For each character, provide a brief description and a quotation either said by the character or said about the character (with a page number).

Symbols -             Keep an ongoing list of important symbols and a brief explanation of what each one symbolizes.

Concepts (Ideas) -            Keep an ongoing list of important concepts. These concepts will later be turned into themes.

Events -             This will be the largest section of your notebook. After each section (usually a chapter), write down a brief description of at least one important event that happens. Find and write down a short quotation about the event (with page number). Then write down the related concepts for that event. Finally, write down any important symbols related to that event and a very short analysis of those symbols.